How to Earn 10000 Dollars Per Month? Easy Ways

November 14, 2023
How to Earn 10000 dollars Per Month?

Do you want to know how to earn 10,000 dollars per month? With determination, strategic planning, and a bit of creativity, achieving this financial goal is within reach. Whether you prefer starting your own business, leveraging your existing skills, or exploring the online world, there are numerous opportunities available to help you attain your financial aspirations. In this article, we will explore several easy and viable methods that can help you generate a consistent monthly income. Let’s dive into these pathways and discover how you can turn your dreams into a reality.

How to Earn 10000 Dollars Per Month? Easy Ways

Earlier to make money you either had to get a job or do some business. The internet changed that and now there are many innovative ways using which you can make how to earn $10000 dollars per month online. Let us begin our list.

1. Dropshipping

You may not know this but dropshipping can help you make good money. Your target is 10000 dollars a month, but you can go well above and beyond that by engaging in dropshipping services. You can buy stuff from online or offline vendors whose rates are reasonable and then sell those products via Amazon or Shopify by listing them for a higher price.

There are some platforms like Oberlo that automate some parts of the process. You now just need to import products to your online store and start advertising them for sale.

Once you start getting orders, Oberlo will take up the address of the person ordering the goods and place the order at the vendor from whom you are buying stuff and they will then deliver the product to the customer. So this way you could be well on your way to making 10000 dollars a day within a few weeks or months.

2. Freelance as a Copywriter

Person using laptop

Not anyone and everyone can be a copywriter, you need to have correct language skills and a knack for it to be able to pursue this field. Since it requires skill, it pays well in return for the same. If you are wondering how to earn $10000 dollars per month online, then this is it.

A person who is interested in writing and has the necessary amount of language proficiency can try their hands at being a Freelance copywriter. Here you get to pick your clients and also your work provides you with a certain degree of flexibility.

You just need to select your niche and then create a blog that acts as your portfolio, you can then pitch yourself by displaying your writing prowess and scoring clients. Since everything is moving online today including businesses, you stand a great chance of bringing yourself a host of customers.

3. Start a Web Development Business

When you ask how to earn 10000 dollars per month one of the suggestions that come to mind is web development. Now, this is not easy by any means, no one can just get up one day and say that they are web developers and proceed with their lives. You need to learn the skill by watching tutorials or taking up a course.

A web developer has a tough task but at the same time one that also has great money-bringing capacity since web developers enjoy great demand and can also charge exorbitant sums for the same. When you search for how to earn $10000 dollars per month online, this job always pops up.

Once you think you have learned the skill and have enough proficiency to execute it flawlessly you can then sign up on Freelance websites or take up a job in this field with a high-paying company. By taking either path you may see yourself raking in maybe even more than 10000 dollars a month.

4. Become a Consultant

You can sell products or services to earn money but that’s not all that there is to offer to the world. If you are someone with a great mind and ample knowledge packed in your brain that you think can be shared with others, then you can sell ideas too.

Some people are born with business acumen while others have great taste in things or possess a very calculative mind. Having either of these qualities or other such qualities that you can use to benefit businesses can be used to make money.

Let’s say you have ideas that can be used by a company to scale its business. This idea of yours helps them save 15 to 20% of the total cost. Now since you stepped up and helped the company save some money you can in return ask them for a percentage of their savings as remuneration or work on a contract basis. By doing so you can target upwards of 10000 dollars a month at least if you help big companies and work on a commission basis.

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How to Make $10,000 a Month in Passive Income?

Passive income is an income that you earn from stuff that you are not actively working towards or something that doesn’t require you to work for it. Working hard to make money and purchasing a house to live in is not connected to making passive income but if you put the same house on rent then the money coming from it becomes your passive income. So, along these lines, we now look at a few ways you can go about making more than $10,000 a month in passive income.

1. Renting out Property

As we looked at the example above it is clear that there are not many better ways of making a passive income than putting up a property on rent. When you look at ways telling you how to earn 10000 dollars per month this can be one of them.

Owning a second property is not that easy but if you are someone who inherited property or saved money on the side to buy a second house one day then you can go ahead with this idea. You can either opt to purchase one big property or multiple small ones.

Don’t just look at the cost of the property but also factor in the mortgage amount, taxes, and other charges and once you have an idea of the figure that you will be paying out of your pocket you can then accordingly set a rental price that will look after these costs and then also help achieve the 10000-dollar target as well.

Also, it is not necessary that only renting out a property helps you achieve this aim, you could also be renting out your parking space and make a more than decent sum doing the same.

2. Giving out Loans

heap of money

If you are already wealthy enough and have tons of money in hand but don’t know what to do with it and are also not interested in risking it all with investments then you might want to consider giving out loans like the bank. When looking at ways telling you how to earn $10000 dollars per month online you can go for the simple option of giving out money to those in need.

The people you give money to can be your family members or friends who need it urgently and in exchange for the loan you can charge them interest just as a bank would do.

By giving out loans at favorable interest rates you can attract a lot of people, some of whom might be friends or family members of your friends and family. That way you could soon build a bank-like network and through it, you might even be able to make more than 10000 dollars a month.

3. Build an App

Though building an app may not sound like a passive task, the real phase starts when you have made one and advertised it nicely. You just need to come up with a brilliant concept that you think might interest the people and then make an app based on it. You can also think of a game concept or find a gap in a service line and build an app around it.

Once the app is made, start advertising it on various social media platforms until you have built enough steam around it to attract downloaders and users. Once you start seeing the people come in this is when you sit back and start counting the money. This is one of the best answers to how to earn 10000 dollars per month.

The job doesn’t end with money coming in from time to time. You will have to make useful additions to the app and remove the bugs and make fixes. And while there will still be little to no work to do, you would comfortably be making 10000 dollars a month or even more if your app lands with the people superbly.

4. Car Advertising

Nope, we are not telling you to advertise or sell your car but rather we are telling you to use your car as a medium to advertise other’s stuff. We all know what Transit ads are and must have seen quite a few in our lifetime. Your car could be one of the hoardings for these ads.

You just need to find a reliable advertising agency and express to them your interest in becoming a moving advertising board. Once they have analyzed your driving patterns and see you are eligible to qualify for this role, they will prepare the car free of cost.

Your car is now ads on wheels, and you now start getting paid for advertising the brand. While you are driving to make money, it is a passive income since you were anyway going to be driving your car. It’s just that now you are driving for your work while being paid for helping the brand out as well. If you are looking for ways to tell you how to learn 10000 dollars per month, then your search can end here.

Also Read: 5 Realistic Ways to Make $1000 a Day

How to Earn $10000 dollars Per Month Online?

Making 10000 dollars right from day one is not something that everybody can boast of but that doesn’t mean you don’t aim that high. You can start by earning a few dollars a day or week and slowly climb your way up and that is why we have a list of a few things that you could do to learn how to earn $10000 dollars per month online, maybe not initially but surely eventually.

1. Become a Teacher


Above we saw how consulting can help you make 10000 dollars or more. You can use your brain, skill, knowledge, or acumen to help out businesses save money or make more money than they already do and benefit from it. However, you can use the same weapons to earn money differently.

Let’s say you have a sharp mind when it comes to studies, or you know a skill like playing a guitar or other musical instrument. You can now use these gifts or skills to help out others.

You can be a teacher to your peers or others that are willing to learn from you. It would be something similar to selling a service and in time you will see your clients or student size increase. If you can even get 10 students to pay you 1,000 dollars a month to whom you could teach online, then you will have achieved your figure of 10000 dollars a month.

2. Create a Subscription-Based Website for your Niche

Let’s say you are good at baking cakes, why not monetize your skill/talent? There are tons of ways to make money but not all of them are as efficient as selling your skill/talent.

If you have some quality that you can teach or sell to others, then quit asking how to earn $10000 dollars per month online and start making use of your skills and talents. You don’t need to necessarily rely on a YouTube channel as you could simply get yourself a simple website.

Spend some money and get yourself a subscription-based website like an OTT platform. Now start putting up your videos on this website and advertise them on social media handles and elsewhere. People interested in your content who are willing to pay to have access to it will find their way to your website and within no time you will start making money off it.

3. Build and Sell stuff

Out there you have tons of websites and platforms available that help you make money or monetize your services. It’s just you who is yet to make use of them. Platforms like Etsy, Shopify, etc. allow you to sell products to people online.

Understandably, not everyone knows what products are best to sell to make a profit but that is no excuse to not start a business. If you are good at DIY products or skilled in arts and crafts, then you can build the products that you want to sell.

The stuff you build can be as easy as a phone case or sweater or as complex as a home-built machine and you could build a good market for it while slowly making your steps towards answering your question of how to earn 10000 dollars per month.

4. Start a Podcast

woman speaking in mic

We have a population of more than 8 billion people worldwide. That means no matter what idea you think of you can be assured that you somewhere have a small niche interested in it. And so, if you have experiences and thoughts to share with the world that you think is worth their time then you already have something that you could sell.

By researching interesting topics, you could come up with great stuff that people are willing to pay to hear. You could create something like your own radio channel that people subscribe to.

You can not only make money via subscriptions but also by selling ad spots to advertisers, and while making 10000 dollars a month sounds unrealistic now wait till you search online and find out that it is very much possible if you put in the right kind of effort.

Also Read: How to Make $100K a Year

How to Make $10,000 a Month as a Kid?

Humans create their problems and their solutions. It is we who deserve the blame for everything that is wrong with this world and everything right. Like everything else making money also has certain barriers for one that kids couldn’t make money in the past at least legally. However, today kids cannot just make money legally, but they can make 10000s and even more every month legally and it is again us who we have to pat on the back for this.

1. Reviewing

Reviewing stuff is a serious profession these days. You could be reviewing a movie, a product, a company, or pretty much anything and bringing in tons of money from it.

You must have come across videos of kids on social media or YouTube where they are creating review videos, reels, and other such types of content. They may or may not know this, but their parents do that all of it is bringing in more than a decent amount of money.

A lot of kids make videos with their mom, dad, or solo ones and review stuff like kids’ books, toys, and various such stuff and make more than 10000 dollars from it. There is a good chance that when you search for how to earn 10000 dollars per month on the internet you might come across at least one video of a kid sharing their tale on the subject.

2. Gaming and Streaming

Person holding a gaming controller

Again, we know how crazy it sounds but careers today are unlike what they used to be years ago. Today you can be playing a game on a console at your home or stream yourself doing something on the internet and make money from it.

You can also stream yourself on the internet while gaming at your home and make money from that as well. You need to build a good following on social media and must be able to direct that crowd to your streaming channel.

Once you have gotten the crowd you can convert your platform into a subscription-based streaming platform or advertise products of partner brands and start bringing in serious money from doing so.

3. Coding

With the crypto storm still out there and thriving you know that you have got a chance to get in on the trend. If you are a kid who is good at coding and knows how to build stuff then you can watch a few tutorials and maybe go ahead and build your cryptocurrency token or an NFT.

If I even said this half a decade back then people would have laughed at me and ridiculed me but today this is very much a realistic option.

There is a good chance that when you search about how to earn 10000 dollars per month, this suggestion pops up as one of the most popular ideas on the internet.

4. Enlisting yourself for Servicing

Platforms like TaskRabbit exist in abundance; it’s just that you need to find them and then use them to your benefit. On service-based platforms, people usually come looking for people whom they can pay to get certain menial tasks done like cleaning their homes or washing their clothes and more.

Once you have reached the legal age that allows you to enlist yourself on such websites the possibilities are endless. You could take up work as per your wish and make 100s and 1000s of dollars from it every day and week.

You would also not need a college degree or great skills to work these jobs and so anyone could do them and bring in upward of 10000 dollars a month. And so that way your search for how to earn 10000 dollars per month could come to an end as well.

Earning $10,000 per month requires a combination of strategic planning, dedication, and taking advantage of various income streams. While there is no guaranteed easy way, potential methods include starting an online business, investing in the stock market, and offering high-value services or products that cater to a niche market. Remember that success may take time and effort, but with perseverance, it is possible to achieve financial goals.


Sushma Singh

Sushma is an expert in online money-making strategies with extensive experience in business. She has spent a lot of time researching and writing about the ever-changing world of money-making games and websites, making her an expert at finding ways to make money online.

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