Best Profitable Side Hustles for Couples

November 14, 2023

In today’s fast-paced and dynamic world, many couples are seeking ways to diversify their income streams and pursue other jobs together. Whether it’s to save for a dream vacation, pay off debts, or simply increase their financial security, engaging in a side hustle as a couple can be an exciting and rewarding endeavor. With a multitude of opportunities available, couples can leverage their unique skills and interests to find ventures that not only generate extra income but also foster teamwork and strengthen their relationship. In this article, we will explore some of the best profitable side hustles for couples, offering a range of options to suit various interests and time commitments.

Best Profitable Side Hustles for Couples

JAN23 couple laughing

Now it is understandable that the reason people are turning toward lists like these is that they want a second source of income, and they also have other jobs or businesses to deal with. These side hustles for couples include some business ideas for couples as well.

1. Set up a YouTube channel

If it was the 2010s or maybe even the start of 2020 then we would think twice before mentioning this option but as of 2023 now may be a good time to consider starting a YouTube channel. With the internet craze growing and the social media antics on the rise it might be the best time to go ahead and create content and put it on YouTube.

You can make vlogs, put up jokes, make visual listicles, and do whatnot out there and there is an audience for all of it out there. Now you might not instantly get a check signed by YouTube but once you reach a certain number of followers and subscribers and start allowing ads on your content you might see some crispy papers making their way to you.

2. Invest

If you or your partner have a degree in business or finance-related fields or have knowledge of the stock markets or other investment sources then investing can be one of the best side hustles for couples like you. Today the market has so many options unlike in older times when you just had a few options.

There is crypto, real estate, mutual funds, SIPs, NFTs and the list goes on and on. The only thing missing is you and your interest to invest. Once you end up taking this path you might start to see income with a couple of zeroes or more coming your way now and then.

3. Offer Clean up Services

If you could keep your ego and pride on the side then you can end up starting a business or a side hustle that might help you make a significant amount of money on the side. Just like there are caterers who provide food services at functions or parties you could go ahead and set up a cleanup service.

Most people need help with cleaning after parties and events and they are looking to hire people to help them with it. You could be that person and the best part is this work doesn’t even require having certain skills or degrees which makes it open to anyone.

4. Do Pet Sitting and Walk Dogs

JAN23 A dog sitting | Best Profitable Side Hustles for Couples

You wouldn’t mind doing it for a friend or family member and you would deal with kids who can be tough so why not take one step further and try the same with dogs or other domesticated pets? You may not find better and lovelier side hustles for couples tasks than this one. How hard can it be? You decide your hours, you decide your clients, and you command the pay for your service.

You just have to look after a voiceless animal and take care of them just as you would of a baby and you need to maybe take them for walks and feed them all while making a good amount of money from it.

5. Flip Furniture

Get yourself a piece of furniture for cheap from an online marketplace or some physical store near your place. Once you have it go all crazy on it and get it rebuilt, repaired, or up to top condition, basically get it refurbished in whatever way is required. This is among the best business ideas for couples.

Now once this is done click great photos of it and start posing it on online marketplaces or make people in your community aware of your intention to sell this as good as a new piece of furniture. Depending on what furniture you work with, you can expect to bring in upwards of 100 dollars or more for each of them.

6. Start Podcast

A good husband and wife side hustle idea could be to go ahead and start a podcast. Surely the two of you have a lot of good stories or can come up with a few interesting ones together. Don’t underestimate the audio medium as the market is big and ripe and if you can come up with quality content, then be prepared to build a large community of followers.

You can either ask for a subscription fee from your loyal listeners or you can sell ad spots to local brands wanting to feature on your podcast, either way, you make that extra money that you wanted to in the first place.

7. Earn Rewards from Credit cards

Now, this might not exactly be anything like what we mentioned in the side hustles for couples list or in this one so far but who cares as long as the extra money comes in and in a legal way, right? We all know how credit cards have this giving nature and so I suggest why not take advantage of them?

If you see yourself spending a certain amount in the coming few months then why not sign up for credit cards that will reward you for spending that amount using the company’s card? You take care of your expenses which were already planned up and make money or earn rewards for the same. Just make sure to pay them off in time to keep your credit score good so that you can carry on with this side hustle.

8. Start a Nursery

Getting plants and taking care of them is always seen as a very married couple kind of thing to do. And so if you and your partner are interested in plants and stuff then you can start growing a variety of plants in your backyard itself.

From here you can grow any plant you wish to and then once they are ready to sell you can ask your neighbors or people online to check them out. It might look silly at first but when you learn the kind of extra money that this side hustle can bring in you would want to get in on it too.

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Unusual Jobs for Couples

JAN23 couple staring at a board

We have looked at side hustles for couples and husband and wife, but it more or less has the usual and common stuff in it. We all know there can be people out there looking out for something more unusual and uncommon that is different from everything we have looked at so far and so this list is specially handcrafted for them.

1. Manage Apartments

Any couple is made of two people, and when there is more than one person involved it brings with it additional factors. For example, one person among the couple can be more diplomatic and the other can be a genius when it comes to getting things working again like any gadgets or objects.

It is a combination of skills like these that make any couple ideal for a property owner to hire couples to manage an apartment. Also, not to forget a task of this kind can bring with it an apartment for you to stay in while also being paid for it.

2. Perform Domestic Services

Another take on the list of unusual jobs for couples could be signing up for domestic services. Old and retired people or people with disabilities or even rich people might find themselves needing a domestic worker.

Not to mention sometimes they might need people to do multiple tasks for them. And so just as mentioned above if you and your partner together can offer a range of services that the person hiring is looking for then you together can become domestic helpers for them. Not to mention you can again get a place to stay while also earning money.

3. Teach English as a Second language

Let’s say you and your partner are about to head to a new country for work or other reasons and will be staying there and that is why you now need to find a job or a side hustle. This is when you can consider becoming an English teacher.

If the place you are moving to is not an English-speaking nation and for them, the language is secondary then by searching for qualifications for this post and getting the necessary certifications done you can easily get a job in this post in that country. This could be one of the best side hustles for couples.

4. Engage in Sports and Tourism

As a couple, you can always look to apply with ski resorts, beach resorts, or other such tourism spots. Places like these require instructors, handlers, caretakers, and other kinds of staff.

You can attend or teach people stuff like skiing, surfing or other such activities or you can look after the guests and their belongings and take care of their needs. Either way, you can make that extra money that you were aiming for. Now let us go over some business ideas for couples.

Business Ideas for Couples

While you can get self-employed or pick up jobs in all of the fields mentioned above you also have the option to start your own business with your partner. If you don’t know where to start or what to do then allow us to make up a list for you as well.

1. Cloud Kitchen

If just one of you knows how to cook and cut stuff then starting a cloud kitchen may not be that bad an idea. It is not as costly as setting up a restaurant is and it may also not be as hectic. The other person can learn to cook and help down the line or they can help with shopping for stuff and delivery. You can also sign up with food delivery apps or you can create a stuffing service. No matter what way you choose to go ahead with it you have one of the best side hustles for couples ideas right here.

2. Fitness

We are not asking you to start a gun today but if you are a couple that knows their way around exercising and stuff then you can use those skills to set up a gym down the line or you could take classes for stuff like Yoga, Kegel, and other such exercises.

You could have a studio or start from your home where you can have batches of students coming and learning from you. The investment might not be that much initially. It is one of the best business ideas for couples and you might realize that soon after you start bringing in a good amount of money.

3. Travel Agency

Travel agent in office

As a couple, you could go ahead and set up a travel agency. If you are interested in traveling yourself then there is a great incentive to go ahead with this idea. Also, you should know that as a couple your target audience could be wider as more girl groups or solo female travelers would feel safe to sign up with you because you as a couple will most likely have a female head of operation on your team.

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4. Consultant

Together with your partner the two of you can make a formidable partnership. Being more than one person brings more skills and knowledge to the table than being an individual and this makes you an ideal go-to duo.

If you have education or experience in fields like law, finance, science, medicine and health, or other such relevant stuff then you can set up a consultancy. This would be one of the best side hustles for couples on the list because of the money that you might make from this area of work.

In conclusion, exploring side hustles as a couple can be a rewarding endeavor, offering both financial benefits and opportunities for personal growth. By leveraging shared skills and interests, couples can find profitable ventures that fit their lifestyle and goals. Ultimately, embarking on a joint side hustle can strengthen the bond between partners while paving the way for additional income streams.


Sushma Singh

Sushma is an expert in online money-making strategies with extensive experience in business. She has spent a lot of time researching and writing about the ever-changing world of money-making games and websites, making her an expert at finding ways to make money online.

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