18 Best Personal Finance Blogs To Follow In India

June 8, 2023
18 Best Personal Finance Blogs To Follow In India (2021)

Finance has become an indispensable part of our daily life. Without proper knowledge of finance, your hard-earned money can land up in false situations. Finance has a broad aspect and scope. Some individuals may be interested in learning personal financing, whereas others might be interested in investment banking. Some may be keen to know about investing while some may be keen to gain knowledge on trading, clearing, settlement, various asset classes, etc.

To anticipate such a large number of audience in their area of interest is not an easy task. Hundreds of financial websites and blogs are there across the internet that contains articles and blogs to provide necessary and latest finance-related pieces of information and the latest news about the world of finance.

18 Best Personal Finance Blogs to Follow in India

Here are some of the top personal finance blogs to follow in order to stay updated with latest finance-related news & topics.

#1. Jago investor

Jago investor

The founder and primary author of Jago investor, Mr Manish Chauhan, is a well-established author in the financial market who has written numerous books on finance. This website provides comprehensive articles that are very simple and easy to understand for the layman. Jago investor has the top-rated financial articles on Google. You can refer to this blog to get important news and updates on personal finance and the Indian stock market. It has articles and columns on tax issues as well.

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#2. CapitalMind


The founder & author of CapitalMind is Deepak Shenoy, who is also a well-recognized name in the Indian financial market for his thought-provoking ideas regarding the Indian stock market. His website, CapitalMind, enables its readers to stay updated with the latest news about all the important events and turnarounds that affect the Indian stock market. The blog helps its readers by providing them informative articles on the Indian economy and the latest news about the quoted companies in the market.

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#3. Subramoney


If you have no knowledge about personal finance and want to gain some knowledge, then Subra money’s blog is the best place to get started. It has a unique concept and develops the concepts from the elementary level. Instead of advising you where and why to invest your money, the website represents your behaviour towards finance.

Although professionals have criticized this blog for many reasons, one of the primary reasons being, it does not tell you how to rectify your mistakes. If you want to learn personal finance from the elementary level and how to change your attitude towards personal finance, then you can definitely correspond to this website.

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#4. Livemint

Livemint | Best Personal Finance Blogs To Follow In India

If you are keen to keep yourself updated with the latest business news, Indian economics, and current affairs, then Livemint is a reliable website for that purpose. Livemint also provides its readers with stock market analysis. It is quite a popular site among active readers for stock market analysis blogs.

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#5. Value investor India

Value investor India

Rohit Chauhan, the founder and main author of the blog, provides the readers with thought-provoking and informative blog about the Indian market scenario. The reason why this blog is popular among readers is because of the simple language and real-life examples used in the blogs. If you are a beginner and don’t want heavy financial terms to confuse you, this website is a must check out.

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#6. The Financial Literates (TFL guide)

The Financial Literates (TFL guide) | Best Personal Finance Blogs To Follow In India

Hemant Beniwal, author and founder of this blog, is a Certified Financial Planner. The website provides a comprehensive range of articles on topics like investments, taxation issues, insurances, personal finance, as well as financial planning. This blog has comprehensive information and will help you to gain a better understanding of the working of the finance industry. You should definitely check out this blog before making any personal financial decisions.

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#7. CashOverFlow


CashOverFlow is the personal finance blog by Pardeep Goyal. Pardeep writes about financial hacks to save money without compromising lifestyle, investing in Stock Market & Crypto, best credit card hacks & deals, loans, insurance, etc.

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#8. Moneyexcel.com


Shitanshu is the owner, founder, and author of Moneyexcel.com. This website publishes articles related to personal finance, investment banking, financial term planning, insurance policies, real estate, the Indian stock market, and other financial products.

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#9. Chartered Club

Chartered Club | Best Personal Finance Blogs To Follow In India

Mr Karan Batra, author of Chartered Club and also a CA, mostly writes articles related to tax. Chartered Club’s blogs on personal finance are popular among many readers in India because of its simplified language. Also, the blog does not use any type of taxation jargon.

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#10. SafalNiveshak


Vishal Khandelwal, the author of SafalNiveshak, talks about long-term investments in stocks. He explains how long term investments can be beneficial with time. He further advises the readers to invest in a proper way instead of gambling.

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#11. ReLakhs

ReLakhs | Best Personal Finance Blogs To Follow In India

Sreekanth Reddy is the founder and one of the main bloggers at ReLakhs. This blog is one of the best personal finance blogs in India.

ReLakhs mainly focuses its articles on mutual funds, insurance policies, property financing, and banking. The information is reliable, unlike other misleading blogs on personal financing.

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#12. Equitymaster

Equitymaster | Best Personal Finance Blogs To Follow In India

This website does not only provides comprehensive information about the stock market and mutual funds but also serves as a platform for comparison of the performance of different stocks in the Indian stock market. If you subscribe to this blog, then you will receive useful information about the various industrial sectors of India directly in your mailbox.

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#13. MoneyGyaan.com


MoneyGyaan is a growing personal finance portal in India that aims to teach individuals about how to handle money better and other related things like online banking guides, retirement planning, investment planning, insurance advice, and credit card reviews.

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#14. Myinvestmentspub.com


Mr Ravi N, founder, and author of MyInvestmentsPub is a Hyderabad-based finance blogger. The blogs mainly focus on Mutual Fund Investment strategies. He advises individuals on how to make money from mutual fund investments instead of carrying a huge risk. Other topics that he covers in his blogs are investment ideas, tips, and techniques.

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#15. Econospeak


Basic knowledge of the fundamentals of economics is necessary for everyone. Individuals must check out this blog to stay updated with economic news and brush up on your knowledge about the ongoings events in the world. It gives an individual the perspective of the financial side of events occurring throughout the country.

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#16. PaisaBazaar

Paisa Bazaar | Best Personal Finance Blogs To Follow In India

Paisabazaar.com has become a household name now and is an exclusive community of financial bloggers. Financial professionals, professors, bloggers, and people from fields of life come together to form a community to exchange thoughts, opinions, and experiences on personal finance.

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It has every necessary information you need to know about personal finance, investments, banking tax, fixed deposits, insurance policies, loans, credit cards, mutual funds, credit, and money management. It is one of India’s largest financial blogging community where anyone can share their thoughts and opinions on personal finance.

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#17. Bemoneyaware.com


Bemoneyaware is one of the top personal finance blogs in India. These blogs mainly focus on specific money-related topics that we face while filling income tax form, EPF, PPF, credit debt, loan, and investing.

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#18. OneMint


Mr ShivKukreja is the author of this blog. OneMint is a financial blog that publishes articles regarding personal finance, financial planning, advancing technology, and economics. This website helps individuals to make better decisions in money matters. OneMint blogs provide in-depth awareness about the various aspects and scopes of personal finance.

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We hope this guide of Best Personal Finance Blogs To Follow In India was helpful. If you still have any questions or suggestions then feel free to reach out using the comment section.


Sushma Singh

Sushma is an expert in online money-making strategies with extensive experience in business. She has spent a lot of time researching and writing about the ever-changing world of money-making games and websites, making her an expert at finding ways to make money online.