Top 10 Reasons Why Education is Important

January 11, 2023
Top 10 Reasons Why Education is Important

Have you ever thought, what would be your social, or economic status throughout life without education? You might not give it a deep thought but certainly, the way of living would have absolutely been very different without education.

Education makes us dutiful. It not only helps an individual to acquire knowledge but also boosts one’s confidence. Education does not limit ourselves on any grounds be it any age group, religion, caste, creed, culture, or region. Irrespective of all these aspects, it facilitates everyone to achieve expertise, knowledge, values, beliefs, and moral habits. Of course, one should have a desire of getting an education.

Top 10 Reasons Why Education is Important

Education allows you to lead your own life without being dependant on others. It plays a crucial role for every individual to live an impeccable life. Before we proceed further, let’s get to know what education is?

What is Education?

Education refers to the process of studying and inculcating different subjects to gain knowledge and enhance understanding in order to apply it in your daily life.

Education is not only concerned with bookish knowledge and earning degrees. It is more of moral values, the attitude of giving to society, positive thinking, the attitude of helping, and ethical values. It is always better to learn practically rather than theoretically. There is no use of such education unless you are not able to implement the gathered knowledge of your own lives.

It is not only about knowledge, but it is also more about when and how to use that knowledge depending on the situation. This is what makes humans different from robots. As robots have more knowledge than humans, but they are not wiser than us.

Literacy vs Education

Our country, India is recognized as an education hub where there is immense talent across various streams of businesses be it technology, science, management, agriculture, pharmacy, or any other. Many entrepreneurs and companies from abroad are hiring employees from our country as a huge number of management graduates are passing every year through numerous universities in India.

Some people believe that literacy is the other name of education. However, both of them are way too different from each other. It is not necessary that if a country has higher literacy levels, it would be comprised of highly educated people.

The major difference between the two is that education is directly related to literacy, however, literacy is indirectly related to education. Literacy enables the person to read and write. However, education is about the overall development of an individual that makes a person wiser, helps them analyzing things rationally and provides them with an ability to think in broader aspects.

Hence, it can be concluded that a person who is educated is always considered to be literate, in all the scenarios. Whereas, it is not necessary that every literate person is considered to be educated. For example, if a person is literate and using foul language might be literate but absolutely not educated.

Ancient Forms of Education

With the evolution of time, education also transformed magnificently. Listed below are some of the ancient forms of education in which some of the methods are being used to educate people:

  • Stone Carvings
  • Cave Paintings
  • Hieroglyphics
  • Religious texts
  • Gurukul
  • Selective Education
  • Personal Training

Modern Day Education

In today’s time, education is available from the following mediums:

  • Schools
  • Collages
  • Universities
  • Gods/Goddess places
  • Military training institutes
  • Private or Group Tuitions
  • Finishing Schools
  • Online Sources such as websites, blogs/articles, etc

Features of Education

Education is the system to foster intellectual toughness. It has many incredible features, but we are highlighting some crucial features of education which empower everyone:

  • Enhancement of social competencies and inventiveness
  • Innovation design education
  • Women empowerment
  • Arts and crafts
  • Uplift of the economically weaker populace
  • Adhere to law and order, and governance
  • Safety and security against crime
  • Prevention of wars, terrorism, and strife
  • Facilitates financial transactions
  • Forging relationships
  • Poverty alleviation
  • Busting myths and superstitions

Why Education is Significant?

One should be educated not only to gain respect from the society but also to live a happy and fulfilling life. Learning, studying, and correct implementation is vital in order to achieve desired goals in life. Education acts as a stepping-stone to be successful.

Education is the one and only platform which proves the equity by defeating all barriers. It not only helps you fulfill the basic needs in life but also enables you to carry out the lifestyle you desire. It is truly said that one can grow their career and accomplish their dreams with the help of acquiring appropriate education.

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Education is a requisite for all individuals. Not only as an individual but it is also important to society as well as the whole country. Let’s enlighten you with its importance below:

1) Significance of Education for Children

Children are the future of the country and it is very important to update them with what is going on around the world. Updating the children with current affairs will enable them to build the nation better with their learning and knowledge.

Schooling matters! All parents try to enroll their child’s admissions to the best schools, which is really very important as schooling plays a major role in influencing and impacting children’s minds.

The most crucial stage when children are given and ought to be educated is in childhood. It is the stage when they are growing mentally, and physically. It is very important to develop social awareness among them at the childhood stage. It will boost up their confidence and give them the experience to interact with the outside world.

Parent’s responsibility is not only limited to providing them with education at the right age. They should be competent to find out their children’s interests and provide them with education accordingly. This will extract out the best of what they can do and become.

Furthermore, education does not mean that we have to make our children bookworm. It is also imperative to indulge them in different activities to make them multi-talented such as swimming, painting, dancing, etc. This will help them grab more knowledge of their lifestyle and motivate them to build their goals. This will make them strive to fix in the competitive world.

2)  Significance of Education for the Society

One of the most significant aspects of education is that it helps in spreading knowledge in society. It is only because of education that transfers the knowledge from generation to generation.

Apart from helping in the innovation and development of technology, it also facilitates the process to transform the culture into modern society. It establishes an individual an influencing leader with all the human values, emotions, attributes, and heritage.

Moreover, the population is rapidly increasing. This has enormously increased the needs of the people too. Many big ventures and enterprisers are seeking to achieve better productivity, which is only possible if the employees are skilled, have profound knowledge and are well-educated.

3)  Significance of Education for the Country

Education is referred to as the set of skills. For the overall growth and development of the country be it economically, socially, or emotionally, it is imperative to have a specific set of skills to survive in this ambitious world. Listed below are some of the crucial ways in which education helps in countries progress:

  • It makes the people more civilized
  • It facilitates the process of finding a worthwhile job for you
  • Education helps you know the right and importance of voting
  • Helps in reducing poverty
  • It is very beneficial for single mothers who want to be self-earning
  • It equalizes inequality and creates a better society to live in
  • Will strive for the betterment of the country as helps in the economic growth and development
  • Reduces gender-based violence and maternal death rates

4) Significance of education in our lives

Apart from the significant role that education plays for children, society, and country, it is also very important for facilitating life’s purpose. Listed below are the following reasons education should never be ignored at any cost-

a) Helps to Live Fulfilled Life: Education undoubtedly thrusts you towards happiness and success. It not only helps you create long term and short term goals but also acts as an impeccable medium through which you can live your dreams.

It also helps you live a comfortable, steady, and luxurious life. There are numerous examples who were not financially sound, and just because of perusing their education excellently, they were able to prove themselves a successful entrepreneur today. For instance, Mark Zuckerberg who owns Facebook, Whatsapp, and many other social media apps were considered to be the richest teenager in the world.

b) Makes you Innovative: If you are on the right track and you were indulged in your ideal field of knowledge, it will definitely help you become more determined, diligent and innovative in your work as well as life. If you are able to live your life this way, it will result in your overall emotional, social, and mental well-being.

c) Improves Focus: Focus is one thing that has the utmost importance in everyone’s life. Isn’t it? Without focus, no one would be able to achieve their goal ever. The reason is simple. If you haven’t made your goal and the vision yet, how can you achieve it? For example- You cannot travel until you do not know the end destination. Right?

The right education increases your chances of achieving your goals and long term intent. Moreover, it will also help you live a less-stressed life as compared to what you are living now.

d) Reasoning and Logic: Have you ever come across any uneducated person, who is trying to encounter a problem in a calm and composed way? We are quite sure, the answer would be ‘no’. However, highly educated people deal with such situation subtly and use logic to reason the most feasible solution to the problem

e) Boosts Up your Confidence and Explore your Inner Self: Education boosts up your confidence by letting you change your opinions for good. It also lets you differentiate between favorable and unfavorable situations.

Furthermore, it not only helps you gain your confidence magnificently but also helps you find your strengths and weaknesses. With the well educated and briefly informed mind, you will be able to establish your correct attributes which help you achieve what you actually need and want in life. It will also let you know the hard work and persistence required to live your dreams.

f) Freedom and Socially Active: Education enables you to work across different countries, cultures, and languages. Without education, it is not possible for you to even visit outside the country you are residing in. You would also be ashamed or embarrassed about meeting the people who are highly qualified in case you are not educated.

Self-confidence and knowledge enable you to think that the world is your oyster you can drive through it effortlessly.

g) Balanced Mindset: Education is a pre-requisite in order to live a contented life. Undoubtedly, people who are educated with the right practices as per their interest, are able to see things in a far more balanced way. It makes you rational and gives you a resistance even to tackle and deal with the problems in a sturdy manner during rough times.

h) Key to Happiness: Education is the key to live a creative life and be at ecstatic state. Without the right education, you will live a life full of procrastination. Education empowers you throughout your daily life, makes you self-assured, and improve your levels of happiness. Although it does not dictate happiness, it certainly adds to it.

i) Healthy and Prosperous: A survey was conducted and it was found that most of the child mortality cases are found with the women who were uneducated. As well educated people whoever they are irrespective of their background are likely to find better jobs for themselves. It is solely based on their education level.

j) Flexibility and Adaptation: It is because of the education that we are flexible. Education increases self-awareness and opens our eyes to new ways of working and doing things. It keeps us adaptive to the time evolution and rapid changes that take place quite often.

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People embrace the difference between right and wrong and have a profound understanding of any particular thing, only if they are educated. Education gives them an ethical outlook and keeps the fire burning in you for the eagerness to learn something new each day of your life. This can immensely help you develop your personality and boom your career.

Possible Adverse Outcomes of Education

With the rapid advancement of technology, some people are using it to carry out certain immoral/unauthentic practices. It does not mean because of those lousy people, the technology should not be evolved over time. It should, indeed! The same scenario is with education.

As the education system has emerged out to be digitized in the 21st century, so there may be some unwanted outcomes that we can come across. The valuable assets of education are not free from inherent negatives. Here are certain flipsides of education that you need to steer away from:

  • Corruption has seeped into education
  • Parental pressure over education leads to the suicide of many children
  • The pressure of education may kill natural talents or inherent skills
  • Several schools and colleges are taking huge deposits from the parents in the guise of donation to enroll the admission of their child
  • Deceiving many people to strive for living a lifestyle they can ill afford
  • Education can lead to unemployment. You might be thinking how? Usually, educated people are less likely to venture into business and take risks as they prefer paid fixed-hour jobs rather than commencing their own business

Paradoxically, in some cases, it has also contributed to a divorce and marital discords. It happens when a highly qualified partner does not consider their partner as qualified as they are, which can lead to a conflict.

Factors Hindering Education

Some factors that hinder the education system in the economy are as follows:

  • Lack of funds and resources
  • Poverty is the biggest enemy
  • Radical groups such as Islamic countries including Syria, and Iraq. These countries are comprised more of terror networks that oppose learning anything except religious sculptures
  • Poor nutrition is one of the threats to education which leads affects health adversely
  • Natural disasters, terrorism, conflicts, and war causes population movements tremendously due to which people turn out to be refugees. Those displaced people lack facilities and resources to educate their youngsters.

Final Words

As you all got to know, education is a ray of light in the darkness. It acts as the medium to transform us completely from inside and outside by changing our thought process and developing the personality. It is constructive in nature and acts as a life changer.

It has become vital to make your kids and children participate in debates, discussions, educational and all other activities that help to groom their personality and gain confidence.

Even the government of India has made many policies to help poor people in educating their children as they realize that uneducated youth is the worst thing for humanity.

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Our main motive is to “Spread Awareness, Spread Education”


Sushma Singh

Sushma is an expert in online money-making strategies with extensive experience in business. She has spent a lot of time researching and writing about the ever-changing world of money-making games and websites, making her an expert at finding ways to make money online.

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