Best Telegram Channels for UPSC Preparation and Notes

November 14, 2023
Best Telegram Channels for UPSC Preparation and Notes

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is the central agency in India responsible for conducting various examinations, including the Civil Services Exam (CSE), to recruit candidates for prestigious government services such as IFS, IAS, IPS, and more. Many Indians have a strong desire to be selected for these esteemed positions. Considering the extensive and diverse nature of the subject matter, this article will provide numerous options for the best Telegram channels for UPSC. Designed meticulously by experts in the field, these channels offer invaluable resources, insightful analysis, and effective strategies to enhance your chances of success. We have also included the links to these channels, allowing you to choose the one that suits your needs.

Best Telegram Channels for UPSC Preparation and Notes

There are hundreds of new telegram channels created by people on telegram every day. Finding the best can get hectic. We did the research below are the best telegram channels for UPSC.

1. Current Affairs

Current affairs channel
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Current affairs channel is not specifically for UPSC preparations, but they post current affairs regularly in English and Hindi both. They also post a monthly PDF with the current affairs listed in it. They post current affairs in polls. They have 597,931 subscribers till now.

2. Vision IAS

Vision IAS channel | Best Telegram Channel for UPSC
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Vision IAS is the nation’s top organization providing classes for Civil Services Exams. In this telegram channel, you will get all the updates on UPSC preparation from videos, notes, and regular news updates in the channel. Currently, this UPSC books telegram channel has 342,000 subscribers. It provides daily quizzes, YouTube videos, and video lectures.

3. Vajiram & Ravi Official Channel

Vajiram & Ravi Official Channel
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Vajiram & Ravi official channel provides regular general studies material, daily quizzes, and current affairs regularly. The channel currently has 237,004 subscribers and still growing every day. The institute is one of the most reputed in the country and also one of the oldest.

4. Drishti IAS Hindi

Drishti IAS Hindi channel
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Drishti IAS Hindi provides study notes and materials on a regular basis. They also post some questions and answers. The channel content is in Hindi so if you are looking for an English Channel then you can ignore this one. Currently, it has 93,375 subscribers. This channel is one of the best if not the best UPSC notes telegram channel in Hindi.

5. Shankar IAS Academy

Shankar IAS Academy channel | Best Telegram Channel for UPSC
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Shankar IAS Academy is one of the most respected institutions in India. The institution has helped more than 1500 candidates to become a bureaucrat. The channels discuss current affairs with different kinds of study materials. It has 69,537 subscribers. It is among the best telegram channels for UPSC.

6. Pdfbasket ‘UPSC’

Pdfbasket ‘UPSC’ channel
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Pdfbasket ‘UPSC’ has 21,086 subscribers and provides study material including all the premium books, study notes, subject-wise notes, and much more. The channel also posts ads but the study materials are worth the ads. It is one of the best UPSC books telegram channels.

7. APPSC TSPSC Groups Materials and News

APPSC TSPSC Groups Materials and News channel
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APPSC TSPSC Groups Materials and News telegram channel provides the news regarding the civil services exams and also posts the MCQ tests, study notes, and many other types of study material. The channel does not post that regularly. They have 37,889 subscribers as of now.


SRIRAM’S IAS OFFICIAL channel | Best Telegram Channel for UPSC
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SRIRAM’S IAS Official telegram channel has 13,810 subscribers as of now. It was founded more than 3 decades and became one of the leading institutions in India. The channel provides editorials, current affairs, and monthly magazines in the telegram channel. They also have a daily MCQ test and the link is posted in telegram every day.

9. RAU’S IAS Study Circle

RAU’S IAS Study Circle channel
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RAU’S IAS Study circle was founded in 1953. Today it is known as one of the most specialized institutions with achieving new heights in the name of success in the civil service exam. The telegram channel provides Test Series for the current session of the UPSC examination. They have 1,353 subscribers till now. It is one of the rising telegram channels for UPSC.

10. Chanakya IAS Academy

Chanakya IAS Academy channel | Best Telegram Channel for UPSC
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Chanakya IAS Academy makes sure that students are provided with the most accurate and competitive instructions with all the parameters created for the UPSC exams. Their goal is to provide the best study materials developed by the most reputed teachers of their institution. The academy tries to develop the personality of an individual. The official telegram channel of Chanakya IAS Academy provides quizzes, PDF-Ebooks, current affairs, and much more relevant study materials. The channel currently has 3,900 subscribers.

Also Read: Top 50 Most Subscribed YouTube Channel in India

The above list is of the top 10 best telegram channels for UPSC. It is the toughest exam in India. Preparing for the same can get an expensive and time taking effort. These channels serve as valuable resources, providing comprehensive study materials and updates to aid in the journey towards success in the UPSC examinations.


Sushma Singh

Sushma is an expert in online money-making strategies with extensive experience in business. She has spent a lot of time researching and writing about the ever-changing world of money-making games and websites, making her an expert at finding ways to make money online.

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