How Much Do Freelance Digital Marketers Make In India?

August 26, 2023
How Much Do Freelance Digital Marketers Make In India?

If you want to get into the trending culture of freelancing and want to become a freelance digital marketer, then you have found yourself the right article. Discover everything starting from the training programs to how much do freelance digital marketers make in India. Read on!

Marketing is no longer stuff that you tell, but the content you deliver. Change is inevitable, and this change is made by the existence of two interdependent factors “necessity” and “availability.” The same is the case with employment. Traditional 9-5 jobs are not everyone’s cup of tea. Today’s youth are known for their out of the box ideology. Thus, “Freelancing” has turned out to be a loophole and as an escape gate from traditional 8 hours glued to the seat routine. Though there are many other professions which are turning out to do really well “Digital Marketing” has been a priority for the majority of the crowd and the reason to choose this as a priority is due to the incredible demand for digital marketing professionals in the present world where the web presence of a store is more important than physical presence.

How Much Do Freelance Digital Marketers Make In India?

Before starting on digital marketing, we must enlighten you with what is marketing? So, marketing is nothing but an integral part of any business. Any business that has weak marketing ideas cannot sustain itself in today’s market. Basically, digital marketing is a form of marketing that is done on the digital platform with the help of electronic devices.

Though the monetary benefits are not that great right from scratch, gradually, it increases with experience and expertise. The Internet has provided ample opportunities while digital marketing has given birth to dozens of new professions under its umbrella.

Digital marketing gives you a briefly drafted idea about who (only numbers, no specific names) watched your posted advertisements in which area, and in what ratio. You get a rough and fair idea of all about it.

In simple terms, digital marketing acts as a digital link between the seller and the buyer. It can be practiced in B2B businesses like Indiamart or B2C businesses like Amazon. The main aim is to maximize the branding and advertising of a product, which further leads to a rise in sales resulting in increased profits.

Now, there is a need to understand why this sector has covered such a huge distance in the path of success in such a short span of time. It is just because it keeps on updating itself and walks with a closer step towards development. It was the olden times when it was believed that the value of a brand is directly proportional to the time interval it has existed in the market. Now, no one waits for the brand to flourish with the help of their customers; instead, they build their customers and hunt for them as soon as they can. So if one does not manage to cope up with updates, one has to face a great loss; on the other hand if one manages to do so he/she will be a step closer to reach his/her target audience, and he gets a chance to be a par ahead from their traditional competitors.

Time is precious, and so is our energy. Two decades back, the customer used to step out of their houses to search a store as per their requirements, but now that’s not the case. E-Commerce and digital marketing have connected customers from distinct places and solved problems for both of them.

Digital marketing’s starting package for fresher’s ranges from 10,000-25,000 INR. Even the package seems to be a low one, just remember only one motto.

“Even if I do a job at a low salary, I should have the opportunity to learn a lot.” Sitting idle or working in a company where you don’t get to learn anything new would never ever be fruitful for you.

There are various fields flourishing in the field of digital marketing like SEO, SMO, PPC, SEM, Email marketing, affiliate marketing, website designing, content writing, social media marketing, complete digital strategy, etc.

Moreover, if any individual gets promoted to project manager by any renowned company, he /she can give jobs to many other needy applicants through a remote work process (i.e., work from home). The remote work process leads to referral marketing by the basic model, i.e., training, growth, remote work process, and affordable digital solution.

Since we are having an overview of the sector, it is quite important to inculcate what exactly Digital Marketing managers do and what are the components of Digital marketing, which help them to reach their goals and ease their client’s job.

Digital Marketing is a vast field, but these below are the main components of it.

  1. Blogging
  2. Web analysis
  3. Search Engine Optimization
  4. Email Marketing
  5. Content Creation
  6. Social Media Marketing

Also Read: 20 Best Freelance Websites to Work From Home

This list does not enlist its uses but successfully categorizes major ones. Though one can try to make you understand through long texts, one would only be able to fetch the result if they lay their hands-on experiencing it in practicality.

So the question must have popped up in your mind that how can you start your career. The answer to this question is simple “To earn more, you will have to learn more.” There are many online and offline training institutions that teach new students to excel in the world of digital marketing. When we compare the fee structure of online vs. offline programs offline has higher fees as compared to the former one.

Some of the famous training programs which are in vogue are offered by

  1. Udemy
  2. Internship
  3. Amp Digital
  4. Google Analytics etc.
  5. Facebook Blueprint
  6. Hubspot

Since it’s hard for everyone to devote their time and commitment, the majority of people select the online program. It gives the birth of one more business idea for training in the digital market. However, this training program would not make you industry ready but would successfully make you aware of the basic terminology. The online pedagogy accepted by the youth helps to save their traveling time and money, along with a limited amount of effort.

Now the next point is what after completing the training program?

After training, you have ample opportunities to work with the corporates, and the necessary condition is you must know how to build up your connections. Some of the sites which would help you to do so are listed below:

  1. LinkedIn
  2. Indeed
  3. Internshala

Like it’s been mentioned earlier, the monetary benefits would not be that great at the scratch but would surely increase when you put your hands deep in the soil. Internships, at this point, could also help you to achieve your goals, and it can add a valuable remark to your work experience.

How Much Do Freelance Digital Marketers Make?

It is a field with rapid growth, so updating yourself is very much important. It would synchronize your efforts and career goals.

Let’s see how much money is being offered to digital marketers based on that you can also expect the same if you are working from home.

Job Description No. Of Jobs Available Times Job Shine Monster Average Salary (Per Month)
Content Marketing 35000 61000 26500 18540 18k to 1Lac
Digital Marketing (Sales) 37000 12627 53000 8765 22K to 45K
Email Marketing 3693 66110 31000 14458 15K to 25K
Social Media Marketing 107243 61936 32000 10823 15K to 35K
SEO 116868 59866 2800 10319 12K to 35K
Digital Marketing Manager 1093 8000 58561 2136 30k to 1.5 Lac

Passion and dedication are the terms which decide your success or failure. You should love what you do and should not do what you don’t love. Work in this field is not different from this ideology. If you think you have it in you, then just give your best shot. It’s been evident that the market would not let you down if you do it with the right approach and strong dedication.

“Success and Failure” are two sides of one coin. What you have to do is just toss the coin with your best fingers. Maybe the thing would not turn upright today, not tomorrow, but surely it will turn out to be good someday have faith in you if you fail, explore the failure, and check where you went wrong to get it right. Digital Marketing or any other career would help you to be the master only if you have patience and wait for the time to turn the odds in your favor.

Adequately it varies from person to person and depends on their area of interest, but the luck factor also plays some role. So it depends on you whether you have to choose this as a profession or not but there is surely one thing there is much information of worth knowing, and one should always inculcate information it may not be sure that it would help in future but nothing in this world us a waste especially your knowledge. Your knowledge would surely support you in some of the other ways, and it would be helpful to you for sure.


Sushma Singh

Sushma is an expert in online money-making strategies with extensive experience in business. She has spent a lot of time researching and writing about the ever-changing world of money-making games and websites, making her an expert at finding ways to make money online.

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